Saturday, April 30, 2011

'Tis the Season

...for using the push mower. Norah and I spent part of our Saturday afternoon doing manual labor, yard work, and yes, you guessed it...we mowed the lawn. This is no ordinary lawn mowing adventure and requires many runs over the jungle-like grass in the yard. Despite the near-dead appearance of the grass in some places, it still proves to be a challenge with patches of thick grass bushes and dandelion clusters. Wish us luck as this season begins...

Standing next to the push mower with pride, admiring all that we have accomplished

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What exactly... in our attic?

apparently it's a 3-woman + 1-dog operation...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Denver is Confused...

Well, yesterday we enjoyed some sunny, 84 degree weather by going to the park during the day and attending the Rockies game at night.
It was so sunny, in fact, that the majority of us got a sunburn.
Then today, we see this:

It has been snowing NON-STOP and incredibly hard! We can't complain, because we know it will melt tomorrow... and like Kelsey says, the earth is thirsty so we welcome the moisture.

Silly Denver!