Ever since the glass on our screen door shattered, we have had a serious bug situation here in The Poor House. The flies, bees, and other hopping bugs were tolerable, until last night when a huge flying creature entered my room. This undesirable creature is also known as a Crane Fly. There's something about crane flies that really freak me out. Maybe it's their enormous size, or something about the way they fly. When you try to catch them they do this downward swirl motion and then they fly at your face. They look like freaky flying daddy long legs. So...in my attempt to catch this monstrosity, it kept flying up in to the light and burning its legs. Norah was upstairs and heard my shrieks and cries for help. By the time she arrived, I had managed to trap the bug with a cup and a piece of paper. Norah then gracefully removed the cup from my room, and set the bug free outside. Phew! I vowed to remedy the bug situation in the morning. This was our solution:
Does the FAA know about that thing?
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How To Get Rid Of Flying Bugs In House