Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Backcountry Bierstadt

Mt. Bierstadt

Yesterday Kelsey and Kat summitted Mt. Bierstadt. This is supposedly one of the easiest 14ers, but as we know, "there are no easy 14ers"...unfortunately we found out how true those words were when we hiked the peak in a foot of snow, solo mission style.

High points of the hike: amazing views, having the mountain to ourselves, challenging our hiking and mountaineering limits, discussing the concept of hubris while summitting the peak.

Low points of the hike: trudging through the snow to blaze a trail, hyperventilating at over 14,000 ft, Henry's bloody paws and Kelsey having to carry him up the trail, climbing the "Agro-Crag"- like peak at the top, encountering a hunter starting his hike to go hunt mountain goats :(

The top portion of the mountain was like the surface of the moon.

Kelsey blazing a trail.

Ankle deep in the snow and furiously sucking in air.

Proud that we made it to the top!
Needless to say, this will probably be the last 14er of the season. On the bright side, we have many other winter hikes to come!

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