Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome to the Poor House

We would like to cordially welcome you to our home. As 5 unemployed young ladies, we have plenty of  time on our hands... so here we are.
We will give you a run down on who is currently staying in our house (it's a transient population).

Meghan a.k.a. "Foxy"- Meghan is awaiting the start of her first quarter in graduate school. Her program is Environmental Policy and Management with a specialty in Energy and Sustainability. In her spare time, she enjoys foosball, sleeping, sitting on the porch, and frequenting Sanchos Bar...

Norah- Norah is currently seeking employment. If you know any schools who are hiring, please let her know. In her spare time, she enjoys sleeping, sitting on the porch, and g-chatting.

Kelsey- Kelsey is currently in San Francisco after her mind bending experience at Burning Man. Once she returns to reality at the poor house, she will also be seeking employment, presumably at a lab somewhere. In her spare time she enjoys hanging out with Henry her dog, listening to the same playlist on repeat, and sitting on the porch.

Kathryn- Kathryn is also in San Francisco, assuming Burning Man spit her out alive. She returns tomorrow and will continue working on her thesis. She enjoys eating string cheese wrapped in ham, sitting on the porch, and yarning her hair.

Caiti- Caiti will arrive at the Poor house in several weeks. She will seek employment as well, and enjoys cable T.V., country music, and exercise.
We have two current basement tenants for the month of September. 

We recently had a housewarming party... it would suffice to say, our house is now warm. Please enjoy our pictures from the shin dig.


  1. Girls, I am at a loss for words. I am actually feeling sorry for all of you. Notttttt!!!! You will all be fine. don't worry, be happy!!!

  2. You definitely need to catch everyone up on the interesting personalities, talents and skills of all the guests so far since there have been so many. Maybe a "Guest List" thread would be appropriate! You can leave out the Moms probably since they are probably the least interesting :-) The dog personalities could be interesting though!
